First with Hewlett Packard (before 2015) and then with Hewlett Packard Enterprise I have had the pleasure to use Know-How as my sole and only event agency. We have done small meetings with about 30 people or larger conferences with 450 participants all across EMEA. In the end it boils down to a few attributes that sets Know-How apart and gave me never a reason to even look for an alternative:
- Dedication: They truly own each event as if it was their own wedding. Fully committed to handling extreme situations or strange customer requests, always looking for the solution of any problem turning up
- People: Know-How always succeeds in creating a very positive atmosphere at their events – because they are generally very nice people that quickly have the venue and other suppliers on their side – and then eventually also all the participants. They all love Know-How because they create an environment of full respect, friendliness and “Family”-feeling, all paired with an abundance of professionalism to make an event successful for their customers
- Budget: In the 10+ years of cooperation, we have yet to exceed a budget we initially agreed upon. This means very honest and truthful planning and providing cost estimates you can trust
- Creativity: Always on budget could quickly mean boring, but where Know-How excels is to maximize impact and impression within the limits of a given cost envelope. Be it the smaller things or the larger, risk taking endeavors – they always make it look like you spent a lot more
From my perspective, I can truly recommend Know-How and hope to continue to work with them for many years to come.

Working with the Know-How team has been a delight! We are a fast-growing company with little structure and planning but lots of energy and willpower. Having partnered up with Know-How for our annual company kickoff, we could not have found a better partner. We got both the adult supervision that we needed to run an amazing event and a true friend. Know-How made sure everything was running smoothly, down to the smallest details and often without us even had to ask. They gave the team and I the possibility to focus on those things that really mattered during the event (and even finding time to relax!). Thank you, Know-How, for amazing days in Malta during our Kickoff 2020!

They certainly have the KNOW-HOW but, just as important, they have the PASSION.
We have been working with Andy and her team for nearly 20 years and could not imagine working with any other event agency.
Every tiny detail, from the initial idea and planning phase to the event itself and the debriefing, is done with so much love and attention. They understand the individual needs and objectives of each event and target audience regardless of how big or small the event is.
Our partners and customers love seeing Andy and her team at our events, because if KNOW-HOW organizes an event it always feels a bit like “coming home” no matter where you are in the world.
Never lost, always taking care of. No mountain too high, no luggage lost forever. Snowstorm or volcano eruption? They find a solution! Rooms with connecting doors? No problem! Vegan, gluten free, fruitarian ? Whatever!
Here’s to the next 20 years .. and counting.

Ich arbeite seit mehr als 6 Jahren mit Andrea und ihrer Agentur „Know How“ zusammen – zu Anfang im Bereich Channel und Distribution und später auch ausgeweitet auf den Endkunden-Bereich. Andrea und ihr Team verstehen es, Veranstaltungen wirklich professionell zu organisieren, von Workshops über Trainings bis hin zu virtuellen Events. Die Agentur ist äußerst kompetent und kundenorientiert, geht gerne die so genannte Extrameile und findet immer Lösungen. Ich freue mich auf weitere spannende gemeinsame Projekte.

Die Know-How Event & Marketing GmbH lebt wie kaum eine andere Agentur die Verbindung zwischen professionellem Eventgeschäft und aktiver Qualifikation talentierter Köpfe. Seit mehr als sieben Jahren ist die Know-How Event & Marketing GmbH ein verlässlicher Partner der Berufsakademie Sachsen – Staatliche Studienakademie Riesa in der Studienrichtung Event- und Sportmanagement. Eventmanager und Lecturer Hartmut Moog-Krüger wirkte aktiv an der Weiterentwicklung des Curriculums mit und agiert als professioneller Dozent vor Ort in Riesa. Dabei profitieren die Studierenden von seinem großen Erfahrungsschatz und dem sehr guten Netzwerk des Unternehmens. Nahezu jeder theoretische Fall im Eventmanagement kann durch praktische Events belegt und veranschaulicht werden. Exkursionen und Online Sessions bereichern die duale Lehre! Wir freuen uns auf die weitere fruchtbare Zusammenarbeit.

It is more than 20 years that I am working together with Know How and the main reason is, that whatever Andy Ambos and her entire Team do, they do it with an incredible passion that is reflected in their dedication and outstanding commitment to the project.
The Know How team always takes personal ownership and responsibility for their results and execution. They are down to the point, most accurate, reliable, responsive and flexible at the same time. It is just wonderful to work with them.
And if it comes to partner conferences, sales trainings or overall customer engagement, a significant part of the success of my HP team and myself is because of the Know How team - I simply could not have done it without them.
Andy, Thank you for the hard work, your passion, your focus and the great job you have done for me over the last 2 decades - I very much appreciate it!

Working with Andrea and her team has been one of the greatest experiences of my time at HP. She is one of the most dedicated, hardest working, passionate and customer service oriented people I have ever worked with. I have worked with Know-How Event & Marketing to run events of all kinds and sizes from Strategic Annual Sales Kick Off's for approx. 1,000 people to small New Hire Workshops of 30 - 40 people. The team has worked on more than 20 events with me in the last 2.5 years. Every event she has been involved in has always achieved the highest scores in our satisfaction surveys.
All my other vendors and suppliers from World Class Sales Training Consultants to local printers and caterers have enjoyed working with Know-How and have commented on their professionalism, standard of excellence, flexibility and willingness to go the extra mile. The executive teams that I work with have also commented on her outstanding work and the managing director Andrea has developed a very strong reputation within HP. I would not hesitate at all to recommend Know-How to anyone that is looking for an Event Management Team that can truly partner with their business to achieve their goals and objectives. Andrea and her team will make the impossible possible, they will form something out of nothing and create a world class experience that is unforgettable!
I have had the pleasure of working with Andrea Ambos for the last 18 months on various large, medium and small events & training sessions. Andrea and her team at Know How have made life for me in the Event Management world a much smoother & more enjoyable journey!
Without her expertise, services, solutions, support and dedication I would not have been able to do my job. Her smile and good humour is always on hand to keep you going through the most challenging moments. When challenges arise, Andrea will find a solution even if it means working 24/7.
I would, without any hesitation, recommend you work with Andrea for your events & training. Wherever I move to in the future I will most certainly be contacting Andrea and her team.
Andrea Ambos is the best event and training manager one can dream about. She has fantastic ideas, seems like she works 24 hours per day and has excellent solutions to almost all problems/challenges. She never gives up and will always be able to find a solution even when it looks totally dark. I would not be able to do my work at HP if I didn't have Andrea Ambos to support me.
An event, organized by Andrea, turned to be a remarkable experience for my customers and colleagues, and entire cooperation with her was just smooth and concrete.
I have utilized the services of Know- How and Abu many times beginning in 2004 with a highly complex event in Dubai. His performance and that of his team was flawless and I have seen this to be the case in every event that has followed. He is very personable, unflappable and rarely ever panics.
He is also very thorough, managing our event budget as if it were his own money. I know I can always count him and his team to be not just an event agency but a competent advisor who always looks out for our best interests. I highly recommend the Know-How team.
Know How has been instrumental in helping to create successful events for HP Software for the past 4 years since I got involved in various training and sales events within HP.
Abu is probably the best negotiator that I have seen in operation and listening to his arguments on price discussions on behalf of HP is a training course in itself. Know-How has rescued many events from brink of disaster and done with a smile and high degree of professionalism.
Working with Andrea and her team has always been a pleasure. She's easy going, whether on the phone or through email.
Key phrases for Andrea`s service:
- Right things right, first time
- Delivers on her promises
- Quality
- Always goes the extra mile to really sort out a problem, if any
The Know How Events and Marketing Team delivers an exceptional result. With them, every detail is taken care of to perfection and he personally plays host to every participant and attendee at your event. The Know How team is a global organisation and they work with the local venue experts to find fun and interesting experiences so you really get the flavour of each individual locale or city.
I am extremely proud of the events that they have managed for us with the Know How team. I look forward to every opportunity to work with them again.
I cannot recommend Know-How enough. The team has arranged many events for us - small (20+ attendees), medium (75+ attendees) and large (1000+ attendees) - and all have been well planned, organised and executed. I've always found them very easy to deal with when deciding what can (and cannot) be done for the budget. We have run events in many places around EMEA and the team always ensured that the location suits the needs of the event, both during the day and the evenings. They have arranged a variety of evening activities that both cater for the attendees' food and entertainment need to ensure that they enjoy themselves.
When problems do occur, Know-Howís team members are always already on hand and quickly get on top of the situation and resolve it as appropriate, thus minimising the distractions for those of us running the event. The team works jolly hard to ensure that.
Not only does Andrea bring her own work ethics, delivery skills and creativity to the table but in addition I would describe Andrea as a "focal point of excellence". She always is the starting point of a broader experience. Her network and knowledge of event organisation, locations, services etc always provide a well-balanced and innovative end-solution to the customer.
An event, organized by Andrea, turned to be a remarkable experience for my customers and colleagues, and entire cooperation with her was just smooth and concrete.
Markus B¸hl, ...manages all kinds of Projects (IT preferred), knows a lot about (Pre-)Sales, Enablement and IT Service Management, September 16, 2009, Markus was a client
I had the pleasure to work again with her and her team for a training event in Istanbul. Due to the teams, high professionalism and flexibility everything was always under control and running smooth. All different types of actions were very well prepared and organized, from arrival to depart, no matter whether day or night.
Every time we worked together, Know-How surprised me with their knowledge and understanding, not only about what we planned to achieve. They always were prepared to go beyond the plans. Completely understanding (at least my way of) what we need and want, they usually have proposals for all kinds of additional locations, setups, styles and people needed ready at hand. Hard to surprise the team with a request - it seems Know-How has everything already prepared and set up for you.
Try to challenge them with something new you need "today" ñ the team will make it real. Just the way you want and need it. I did, and the feedback from the attendees was overwhelming.