We offer efficient Virtual Solutions and develop Virtual Concepts for your Event & Marketing Ideas. Go Virtual with a Solid Planning & Suitable Tools.

Virtual Conferences & Moderation

100% Online or complementing

You want a real interaction where you can be in a plenary session, but can also choose different topics in breakout sessions? You want to have one-to-one talks with your business partner? That’s what a life conference is all about. All this can also happen online either as full virtual conference or as complement to your event.

We can offer you the platform and help you to turn a face to face conference into a smashing virtual show. Our set of various experienced moderators and coaches will support you and your ideas for a successful conference.

Our Trainer Team

Björn Schirmbeck

Moderator and Trainer


Erik Kunz

Moderator and Trainer


Hartmut Moog-Krüger

Keynote speaker & Lecturer


Stuart Moss



Andreas Raum

Moderator and Trainer


Alexander Glatzeder

Leadership development


About Know-How

Yes, we have 25 years of experience and yes, we are professional and customer oriented. But what makes us special? It is the great bunch of people who complement each other and simply love what they do!

Keep in Touch


 +49 35025 57990

 +49 35025 579921

 Friedrichswalde 37, 01819 Bahretal


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